Once you have reviewed the spreadsheet calendar you will need the link at the bottom of this page.
$ Please note that a payment plan is available if you are paying additional monies you may select to pay 10% now and the rest by 1/10. (However, at this time FunJoin isn't showing that option if other "included" meets are selected so will need a separate checkout. If need a payment plan, click the Practice meet and RSA invitational in a separate check-out. See video)
Here is a quick "how-to" video since this system is so new. Also, if you have two kids on team - it doesn't really separate the credits but I am fine with that and should all work out in the end.
(You do not have to check out separately for each meet.)
The system shows you how many meet credits you have to spend. Let me know if something doesn't look right. And please see the notes & video if needing to use your store credit.
It doesn't charge you for practice meets or Rock Solid regular meets.
We will deal with state meets later for XG-Level 6+
For those that are not competing in the Fall, your deadline is 8/3. (if at all possible.)
For levels 2-6, your deadline is 8/27
Want me to walk you through this in person? No problem just send me an email barker@rsa-gym.com.