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Showcase Weekend WITH Practice MEET!

Practice MEET Time 12/7 4:30

Sr. T&T, our optional AA girls, and Xcel Girls.  It is 12/7 at 4:30.

Jr. T&T has Coats and Cartwheels - schedule still pending.

Families & Teammates are welcome!

SHOWCASE WEEKEND - Pick your session.

Not required but HIGHLY encouraged. You do not have to stay with your athlete.

Click here to choose your showcase session.

MORE about showcase

Saturday 9 / 11:30 / 2:00 --- Sunday 1:30

NOTE* There is a "practice meet" for all of our athletes that are just starting their season.

T&T Jr. Team Coats and Cartwheels. - Schedule still pending.

T&T Sr. Team, optional AA girls, and Xcel Girls.  It is 12/7 at 4:30.  Please keep that in mind.

Compulsory Girls AA (lvl 1-4 or XGold)-- Choose 1 or 2 sessions to begin withOptional Girls AA (6+ or XPlatium) -- Choose 2 sessions

T&T Sr. Team -- Choose 1 session if interested.

T&T Jr. Team -- Coats & Cartwheels Saturday If interested in Sunday, you are welcome.

*please note - the slot time - IS THE ARRIVAL TIME - no earlier needed.  Their part will begin >30minutes after that time.  [you may select back-to-back sessions but athletes need to be picked up for lunch and not left during any long break]

Athletes will be doing skills in the background.  It is so important that our rec families see where these skills are leading.  It is also great to see how the team supports the rest of the gym.

Athletes MUST WEAR their competition uniforms = singlets/leotards. IF those have not arrived,  we will have a plan - do not worry.  (no sports bras showing)

If you need to make changes - this setup allows you to do that yourself.

Hey T&T Families,

Just sending more details for the weekend of December 7th and what to expect.

SR TEAM: If your athlete is on SR Team, on Saturday December 7th @ 4:30PM we are doing an intersquad practice meet @ RSA. If your athlete is an optional we are going to do a short training session. Then compete right after. Yes to leotards and full competition attire. Our Club team will be there at the same time as well, so we are hoping that our SR Team kids can inspire our little ones while getting some good work in. If you already know of a pre-existing conflict please reach out to me individually.

JR TEAM: You guys are going to Coats & Cartwheels in the morning. The only information I have is a loose tentative schedule. Once I get the full schedule I will send it to you. This is all that I have...

Tentative Schedule: We will compete by age group

8:30 - 9:30 am 6 & under Boys & Girls

10:00 - 11:30 am 7 & 8 yr Old Boys & Girls

12:00 - 1:30 pm 9 & 10 yr Old Boys & Girls

1:45 – 3:00 pm 11 and Over Boys & Girls

-Entry Fee: A new or gently worn child or adult’s coat.

-Gate Fee: CASH ONLY They will be charging $5.00 per person including athletes at the gate in order to cover the cost of the sanction, judges and awards. They will be unable to accept credit cards the day of competition.

-Staging: Staging will be held in the cheer gym, please remind your parents that

only USAG members are allowed in this area.

-Seating: Seating both upstairs and one the main floor is limited, please feel free

to bring your lawn chairs as long as they have rounded legs.

-Concessions: Onsite concessions will be available on competition day

Showcase: JR & SR Team, you are welcome to sign up for showcase so we have representation in the gym. Just pay attention to the other time requirements for each team so there's no double booking. For those with siblings I hope that helps you plan a little better on when to be where.

December 14th: Lastly we will be having a Saturday holiday practice December 14th from 9:00AM - Noon.


Taylor Greer, Tumbling and Trampoline Coach


Rock Solid Athletics

(806) 795-7625
6205 43rd St
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